Indie Rock Videos Video

Music Video: “Convenient Hell” by Kalinders

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“Convenient Hell” by Kalinders

US-based indie rock band Kalinders comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time and they give us a taste of their sound with “Convenient Hell”. With this refreshingly raw showcase of feelings and emotions, they explore a topic rarely explored but much needed, addiction. They embrace the verses in a way that allows the instruments, the vocals and the visuals to complement each other in a masterful fashion. The soundscape unfolds with such honest storytelling that you can’t help but feel a connection, even if it is as a mere spectator.

There’s no escaping the wonderful showcase of humanity offered by this track, and honestly there’s no need to escape for it offers a valuable and well introduced lesson. So listen, see and embrace the honesty of this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

 “It’s a song about vices, escapism and how easy it is, by design, to find ourselves seduced by substances that ultimately lead us away from ourselves.”

Holly Tzeigon-Whitaker of Kalinders

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Kalinders