Indie Pop

Listen: “Funeral” by Dolores Forever

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“Funeral” by Dolores Forever

From the UK comes the uber-talented indie duo Dolores Forever with their latest musical creation, say hello to “Funeral”. With this stunning and absolutely intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics, they explore the topics of toxic friendships and self-obsession. The track offers us a mature and wonderfully crafted tale that embraces the fragile side of humanity in a way that is quite captivating and uniquely relatable. They take no prisoners and pull no punches as the soundscape unfolds and pulls us into this reality that as much as we would like to deny, we are familiar with.

There’s something fascinating about quite intriguing about the way in which they explore this world that allows us to connect the dots and understand how freeing it is to accept we are not perfect. So listen closely and find a bit of you within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Dolores Forever