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Music Video: “She’s Burning Pictures Of Me” by Just 4 Tonight

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“She’s Burning Pictures Of Me” by Just 4 Tonight

From the US comes the exciting and refreshing sound of Just 4 Tonight with the sonic creation that is “She’s burning pictures of me”. With this stunning and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, she tells the story of a relationship bound to end, and it did so in the worst way possible. The track does not aim to sugarcoat anything but instead offers a vivid tale that is quite human, raw and inviting from start to end. They embrace the reality found within the verses in a way that is absolutely amazing and mesmerizing.

There’s really no denying that the playful nature of this soundscape makes it a welcomed adventure. So listen, see and dive into this world that makes for an absolutely amazing must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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