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Listen: “Walk Away” by Raging Bunch

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“Walk Away” by Raging Bunch

US-based indie act Raging Bunch comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet and relatable sonic creation that is “Walk Away”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions, they explore the harsh truth of a relationship that has reached it’s point of no return. The track embraces the fact that at times, there’s nothing we can, we can try and try and sadly things have already taken a path that ends up in the two parts going their separate ways. It really knows how to pull you in and make you feel invested in the story, for it understands that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies and sometimes there are no heroes or villains, it’s just life.

There’s something quite special about this soundscape, that makes it absolutely fantastic and mesmerizing for all music lovers. So listen and let your imagination find a home within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Raging Bunch