Indie Pop Indie Rock

Listen: “Reverie” by Andy Martin

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“Reverie” by Andy Martin

From Australia comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Andy Martin with the fantastic sonic creation that is “Reverie”. With this refreshing track, he is able to blend pop and rock into one special musical experience that manages to get us hooked from the very first moment after we press play. He unites the melodies, the lyrics and his voice with such care, that you can’t help but feel an instant connection with all that transpires inside this newly created reality. The track flows with such a natural feel, allowing it to caress our senses and speak to our hearts and souls with words that connect with us.

There’s something about this soundscape that just understands how to deliver an experience that is human and raw. So listen closely and find a bit of you within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Australia

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Andy Martin