Indie Pop

Listen: “hate you to love myself” by Francisco Martin

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“hate you to love myself” by Francisco Martin

Los Angeles-based indie singer/songwriter Francisco Martin comes to Wolf in a Suit with down-to-earth sonic creation that is “hate you to love myself”. With this stunning and refreshingly personal showcase of feelings and emotions, he opens up his heart and soul as he deals with his own personal issues with relationships. The track flows with ease and caresses our senses as melodies and lyrics connect with each other and become one in order to pull us in and invite us to be part of this story. He manages to give life to a track that embraces pop and rock in a way that is so hypnotizing and raw while still being playful and charming.

There’s something about this soundscape that just hits the spot and gives us something quite special and worthy of being part of any playlist. So listen closely and fall prey with this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Francisco Martin