Indie Pop

Listen: “Social Graces” by Gold Spectacles

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“Social Graces” by Gold Spectacles

UK-based indie band Gold Spectacles comes to Wolf in a Suit with the charming sonic escapade that is “Social Graces”. With this refreshingly soothing and playful mix of melodies and lyrics, they invite us to explore a musical reality so unique and wonderful. The track flows with such natural grace and understanding that you can’t help but need and want more and more of it as it comes alive from start to end. There’s something about it that just hits the spot and gives us a chance to feel at ease and at home within it.

So listen closely for they have crafted something quite special and mesmerizing, making it an absolute must-listen gem from the very first second after you press play. Enjoy the ride and dive into the unknown of this stunning track!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Gold Spectacles