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Listen: “Oh So Lovely” by Hissy Fit

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“Oh So Lovely” by Hissy Fit

If you have been looking for a new band to fall in love, well, say hello to Hissy Fit and their fantastic debut single “Oh So Lovely”. With this exquisite soundscape, this ensemble of uber-talented musicians give life to a reality so intoxicating and so uniquely inviting. The track grabs a hold of you with a firm grasp that leaves you begging and needing more and more of their melodies and lyrics. They understand how to connect the dots and paint a picture that leaves your senses and imagination hooked, giving life to an absolute masterpiece.

This is hands down one of the best debuts I’ve heard in a while and it gets me excited because this just the start of what is sure to come after. So listen closely and fall prey to the fire and the magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Hissy Fit