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Listen: “kids” by godz

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“kids” by godz

From the US comes the mysterious and fantastic musical act godz with their latest track, say hello to “kids”. With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics they continue to add to their mystique as they offer us a chance to explore a world unknown and so magnetic. The track caresses our senses and within seconds manages to break our imagination free as it invites us to be part of this tale. The soundscape is absolute perfection, for it understands how to balance the voice and instruments into an experience that is both pop and rock.

There’s something about everything coming together that just hits the spot and connects the dots, giving life to something quite special. So listen closely and fall prey to this magical experience that has been crafted with such care and passion, making it a must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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