Indie Pop Videos Video Electronica

Music Video: “Cry Bebe” by Dillon

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“Cry Bebe” by Dillon

From Germany comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Dillon with the captivating sonic creation that is “Cry Bebe”. With this refreshingly and playful blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to an intoxicating reality bound to immediately pull you in. The track flows with ease through the airwaves making sure the verses intertwine and it all comes together to make us feel part of this tale. There’s something about this soundscape that just understand what our senses need in order to let our imagination run free and run wild. So listen, see and fall prey to the exquisite dose of magic and honest that lies within this must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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