Indie Pop Indie Folk

Listen: “Something Good” by Amy Stroup

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“Something Good” by Amy Stroup

Nashville-based indie singer/songwriter Amy Stroup comes to Wolf in a Suit with the gentle and honest sound of “Something Good”. With this refreshing yet classic showcase of feelings and emotions she tells a story that is so human and so easy to connect. Plus we not only get the pleasure to hear her, but she is perfectly accompanied by indie singer/songwriter Michael Logen to give the track a unique touch. Together they give way for a much needed dose of storytelling that is sure to speak to us and invite us to see a bit of us within this soundscape.

There’s something here that makes it know for us music lovers that the wait was definitely worth and that Amy is back and ready to take the world by storm. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Amy Stroup