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Music Video: “Dangerous” by RIVALS

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“Dangerous” by RIVALS

Los Angeles-based indie band RIVALS comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and deliver the intoxicating and powerful sonic creation that is “Dangerous”. With this absolutely fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics, the uber-talented band give life to what can only be called an anthem for the modern woman. The track explores the beauty and power that women can find when they finally understand how marvelous and truly inspiring they can be. There’s something inexplicable yet absolutely mesmerizing about this soundscape that just grabs you and in a second pulls you in, never letting go.

This track is an absolute must and offers all music lovers a chance to fall prey to the sweet touch of a must-listen/must-see gem. So listen closely and pay attention for there’s inspiration here for all sides to drink from. Enjoy!

“I’ve been feeling new energy lately, something that I’ve finally accepted and am letting into my heart, soul, and my music. As I grow internally and my heart expands, I have realized something. I am amazing. I have fought, clawed, and become the person I wished I was when I was younger.

I’m not letting people walk on me, I’m not backing down, and I want my energy to grow with me on this amazing journey through life. I hope others out there can use this song as a way to direct that same energy into themselves and believe that they can do anything and everything. 

Become Dangerous <3”

Kalie Wolfe of RIVALS

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of RIVALS