Indie Pop

Listen: “Illusions” by TALIE

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“Illusions” by TALIE

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there’s something in the waters within the Scandinavian countries that breads magic and talent. The latest showcase of this wonderful capacity is up-and-coming indie singer/songwriter TALIE, who comes to us with the bittersweet sonic creation that is “Illusions”. With this stunning showcase of feelings and emotions she explores the harsh reality of a relationship where one feels distant and out of sync. The verses flow with such natural touch that embraces our senses and invites to be part of this very real tale. Her voice understood the task at hand and offered a hand to pull us in gently as the soundscape unfolds and the connection is felt.

So listen closely to this fantastic and beautifully crafted must-listen and embrace the honest and finely-tune showcased of the fragile nature of our human condition. Enjoy!

Location: Norway

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of TALIE