Indie Pop

Spotlight: Alexa Cappelli

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Meet Alexa Cappelli

California-based indie singer/songwriter Alexa Cappelli comes to us like a breath of fresh air as she gives life to her personal brand of pop. She embraces the youthful reality of her current existence and delivers track that showcase a blend of maturity and openness that connects with all who listen. Each track is a story that serve as reflections of her own path taken in life while pulling you in and letting you see that you’ll be able to find yourself in them. The tracks discuss various topics in ways that can be playful, emotion filled, hypnotizing and always inviting such as: love, heartbreak, growing up, etc.

There’s no denying that Alexa has everything to earn a spot in the hearts of all music lovers and her tracks make you feel an instant connection. So have at it and listen, because the door is there in front of you, just prey play and go in. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Alexa Cappelli

“Body Language is about getting to know someone in every possible way except for in person. It could be a long distance fling, or a new someone you meet online. They call and say all the right things, but in the heat of the spark, you remember they don’t actually know the real you. This song is a fun take on the idea to not judge a book by its cover, or even the preface for that matter. Good intentions are important for romantic relationships, but so is having a safe, accepting, and fun physical presence. How can you know when you haven’t spent much time in the same room? “

Alexa Cappelli