Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “For You” by Magnus Tempels

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“For You” by Magnus Tempels

From Denmark comes the uber-talented Magnus Tempels with the intoxicating sonic creation that is “For You”. With this refreshing and exhilarating blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a reality that borders between the unknown and the palpable with such unique grace and magic touch. The soundscape flows with ease, caressing our senses and becoming one with what resides in the airwaves that surround us all, making for one hell of an experience. There’s something about this track that simply grabs a hold of you and never lets you go as it hypnotizes and haunts you.

As a whole the track is enhanced by what’s being provided visually through the music video, making it more exciting and raw. So listen, see and fall prey to the unknown dose of musical ambrosia waiting for you within this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Denmark

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“I’ve experienced a stomachache on several occasions that refuses to leave me. A feeling that haunts me until I have admitted to myself that a relationship is coming to an end. That’s the feeling I’ve tried to encapsulate in ‘For You'”

Magnus Tempels

More of Magnus Tempels