Indie Pop

Listen: “Game” by Annstiina

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“Game” by Annstiina

From Finland comes the uber-talented Annstiina and comes to us with the powerful sonic creation that is “Game”. With this refreshing and absolutely necessary tale that explores the harsh truth that at times can be found in toxic relationships, she manages to keep us all hooked from start to end. She vividly recollects her own story and shares it in a way that serves not only as inspiration and education, but also as a warning to those that feel something extra in their connection. Her voice embraces all the feelings and emotions that were part of this moment in her life and speaks to not only our senses, but our hearts and souls.

There’s something about this soundscape that is simply so raw, so honest and so sadly relatable to some that it grabs a hold of you and does not let you go until you’ve understood the message. So make sure to not only explore this reality she has crafted but to truly pay attention and learn and grow from it. Listen carefully for inside this fantastic must-listen gem, lies something human…and true. Enjoy!

Location: Finland

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“There’s a true story behind it: I ended a toxic relationship years ago. I have since received pleas for help on how to deal with that man from several women I’ve never met before. I even helped a young woman to escape from the same man by texting her what to do and say. Not quite the easiest way to deal with my own trauma!”


More of Annstiina