Indie Pop

Listen: “hollow” by Estherlivia

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“hollow” by Estherlivia

From Sweden comes the uber-talented Estherlivia and she does so with the haunting sonic creation that is “hollow”. With this refreshingly captivating and surreal blend of melodies and lyrics, she explores the harsh reality that at times one can find within a relationship. The track is powerful and passionate in its own unique way and that makes it so hypnotizing from start to end, keeping you hooked and begging for more. Her voice glides perfectly through the airwaves that house the sweet dose of the unknown that make this soundscape so intoxicating. So listen, imagine and let this fantastic must-listen gem caress your senses and speak to your heart and soul as it unfolds into your reality. Enjoy!

Location: Sweden

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Estherlivia