Indie Pop

Listen: “Take It All” by AJ Wander

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“Take It All” by AJ Wander

UK-based indie singer/songwriter AJ Wander comes to Wolf in a Suit with the personal and relatable sonic creation that is “Take It All”. With this stunning and powerful showcase of feelings and emotions, he speaks to us and invites us to become part of the story that unfolds within. The soundscape comes together as the melodies and lyrics become one, allowing his voice to shine through and caress our senses with a passionate force. Something about this track just hits home with all who listen and invite us to dive into the unknown raw nature that makes it so special and unique.

So listen closely and let go of all you know to be embraced by the fire of this contemporary and down-to-earth must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of AJ Wander