Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Charlie IO” by Ellevator

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“Charlie IO” by Ellevator

A personal new favorite arrives courtesy of Canadian indie band Ellevator, say hello to “Charlie IO”. With this exquisite and captivating blend of melodies and lyrics, they caress our senses with a sweet and warm touch that makes the experience so magical. The vocals flow with a charm and soothing vibe that allows the verses to come alive and pull us in, inviting us to be part of what’s going on within this realm. I personally put my hand out ready to pull you in and invite you to fall in love with this fantastic and absolutely amazing soundscape. The track is just fantastic and embodies a wide array if feelings and emotions that make it relatable and so human. So listen, see and dive into the magic that makes this a must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Ellevator