Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Transatlantic Flight” by Odd Beholder

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“Transatlantic Flight” by Odd Beholder

Uber-talented indie goddess Odd Beholder comes back to Wolf in a Suit and she does so with the powerful sonic creation that is “Transatlantic Flight”. With this hypnotizing and passionate blend of melodies and lyrics she gives life to a tale that speaks to the modern world inviting it to move forward and be better. The track explores the harsh reality that many things are made to serve the male fantasy without any consideration for the female counterpart. She invites us to see that equality is a road that still has a lot to be worked on and this year has shown proof that there’s still much to do.

So listen closely and take look at the chaos that’s showcased within this fantastic sonic/visual masterpiece and see why it needs to be there. Enjoy!

Location: Switzerland

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“Simply put: A woman crashes and burns down a plane and enjoys the disaster, the ultimate destruction, the chaos. In more detail: For me, aeroplanes are symbols of a time that is coming to an end. Anachronistic elements in the present that will soon be impossible and gone. Symbols of a world where everything was possible, cheap, always available and extremely wasteful, and serving a male fantasy. At far too high a cost to far too many.”

Odd Beholder

More of Odd Beholder