Indie Pop

Listen: “bad4you” by andreas owens

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“bad4you” by andreas owens

From the U.S. comes the exciting and uber-talented andreas owens with the fantastic sonic creation that is “bad4you”. With this seductive and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a welcoming and freeing reality. His voice is smooth and manages to caress our senses and play with our imagination from the first moment we press play. The track is youthful and plays with us in a way that is not only quite exciting but also intoxicating from start to end managing to offer us a fine escape from reality. There’s no escaping the sweet magic of this must-listen gem and honestly why would you want to break away from it. So listen closely and enjoy the adventure that awaits inside this one-of-a-kind sonic gem.

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“‘bad4you’ is likely the first song I’ve ever written where I can truly say I understood the significance of every sonic and conceptual decision. I’m not sure why, but with ‘bad4you’ in particular, I felt like something just clicked and suddenly everything made sense to my brain. Writing and arranging the song became less about convention and expectation, and more about what I felt the song needed, throwing caution to the wind, and consciously letting the song finish itself. I think in doing that – in a sense, giving myself to the song and not trying to dictate its final form – I found a place of comfort knowing I wasn’t forcing anything into the track that perhaps didn’t belong. Through the process I think it came into focus that production is, in every sense, a language, and producing ‘bad4you’ really helped widen my vocabulary.”

andreas owens

More of andreas owens