Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Sideways” by Zola Simone ft. STL GLD

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“Sideways” by Zola Simone ft. STL GLD

Uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Zola Simone joins forces with STL GLD in order to give life to the sonic creation that is “Sideways”. With this stunning and powerful track she reflects on the many situations happening around the world and how they affect the perception of life and humanity. The voices complement each other in a unique and captivating manner that simply allows the story to connect with each of us instantly. The song is powerful and the approach taken with the visuals enhance the experience and make it all so much memorable. So listen, see and fall prey to passionate fire that lies within this contemporary must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“I snuck a lot of different references to current events and societal problems into the lyrics, such as the pandemic, school shootings, and police brutality, all things which have been on my mind a lot this year.”

Zola Simone

More of Zola Simone