Indie Pop

Listen: “Bittersweet Move” by Nadedja

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“Bittersweet Move” by Nadedja

Brazilian born indie singer/songwriter Nadedja comes to Wolf in a Suit once more with the insightful and personal sonic creation that is “Bittersweet Move”. With this honest and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics she opens up heart and soul and allows us to meet the person behind the artist. She connects the dots and offers us a chance to be part of something that while bittersweet is also so human, so fragile and so uniquely captivating. Her voice guides us through this realm and invites to let go of the rules we seem to follow and travel within the have a conversation between the me, myself and I.

So listen carefully and embrace the sweet melancholic touch of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom / Brazil

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“I’m in a room with you, wearing my heart on my sleeve. These are intimate keys uncovering my bottomless thoughts. It’s a conversation, a confession: things aren’t always pretty here, but I’m daring to remain open; not for you to change me, but for me to see that I’m still me, and still complete.”


More of Nadedja