Indie Pop

Listen: “Wildfire” by MADOUX

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“Wildfire” by MADOUX

The uber-talented indie goddess MADOUX comes to Wolf in a Suit once more with the mesmerizing and intoxicating sonic gem that is “Wildfire”. With this stunning and inspiring blend of melodies and lyrics she explores the reality of growth, understanding what dwells inside you and accepting the necessity to move forward. The track is not a song to someone else but a powerful and raw conversation between the me, myself and I. Something about this track is simply so hypnotizing from the start allowing us to fall for this magic and become one with the passionate fire that makes it up.

This soundscape is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most amazing sonic adventures I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying. So listen closely and be inspired by her fierce and honest approach towards life and push forward in yours.

Location: Netherlands

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of MADOUX