Indie Rock Indie Pop

Listen: “Baby” by Rightfield

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“Baby” by Rightfield

Indie pop-rock band Rightfield comes to Wolf in a Suit with the charming and playful sonic creation that is “Baby”. With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics they manage to instantly make this track part of our summer soundscape. The way in which it all comes together is quite inviting and fun yet down-to-earth and so relaxing. The track offers us as chance to explore a vivid and lush sonic reality that is simply so mesmerizing and perfect. The voice nicely guides us through this tale and gives us all the right ingredients to make it ours and connect from the moment we press play. So listen, smile and enjoy the ride that awaits within this contemporary must-listen gem.

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“Baby is all about the slower parts of when Summer rolls around. It’s about being outside in the still of the night and feeling content with where you’re at and who you’re with. Enjoying the ordinary present and feeling gratitude for being alive in that moment.”


More of Rightfield