Indie Pop

Listen: “Disconnect” by Athena Joy

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“Disconnect” by Athena Joy

From Australia comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Athena Joy with the haunting and honest sonic creation that is “Disconnect”. With this refreshing and hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics she explores the reality of mental in way that is quite beautiful and raw. The track comes together nicely caressing our senses and offering us a chance to connect with something so human and so real in today’s society. Her voice serves as the perfect guide through this soundscape that feels so hers yet so ours as well. The track is a breath of air that tackles a subject that is sadly seen as taboo most of the time and thankfully she speaks about it with such care and such passion. So listen carefully and embrace the sweet relatable touch of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Australia

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Athena Joy