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Music Video: “Audre” by Novaa

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“Audre” by Novaa

German indie singer/songwriter Novaa shares with us a mesmerizing and captivating tale of the history of humanity with her latest single, “Audre”. With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics she offers us the chance to be part of someone’s story and to get to know a person who importance needs to be greater in the history of mankind. With this soundscape she explores the sad truth, that black voices have been silenced and limited as to what they can say and what they can showcase. She pulls us in and invites us to learn of a person whose importance to her as an artist and human being is beyond words and with this song she aims to give a little back to someone who inspired so much. The track is beautiful and raw making for a sonic and visual experience that is sure to teach something and invites to grown and push for the growth of all. So listen, see and embrace the sweet realism of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Germany

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“I think about three or four years ago I stumbled across a book that changed my perspective as a person and artist massively, that book is called ‘Your Silence Will Not Protect You’. It’s a collection of speeches, poems, ideas and essays by the wonderful poet, writer and activist Audre Lorde. Obviously Audre is an incredible and skilled writer with a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that she shares, but the thing that most struck me about her was not only what she talked about but also how she talked about it. I felt like there was a softness, a gentleness and homeliness to her words that held huge strength exactly because it was soft and gentle. It makes me angry and sad that our society mostly doesn’t see, recognise nor credit the work that black women do. What they contribute, what they sacrifice, simply and only because of stupid hierarchies and the racist system we live in. With this song I wanted to shine light on Audre and her incredible work. Research her story, her life, read her books, listen to her speeches – see and support black women and their work.”


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