Indie Pop

Listen: “Don’t Wait Up For Me” by Blood Honey

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“Don’t Wait Up For Me” by Blood Honey

Indie pop duo Blood Honey come back to Wolf in a Suit with the mesmerizing and introspective sonic creation that is “Don’t wait up for me”. With this surreal and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics they open up their hearts and souls to share something so personal yet so inspiring. They explore the meaning of life in a way that is so close to their chest and by doing this invite us to think about our lives as well. The approach taken by the track allows the verses to flow one after the other telling a story that so human and so real.

There’s something about this soundscape that just connects with the listener and offers us a sweet dose of modern-day magic bound to make it an instant classic. So listen carefully and become one with this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Blood Honey