Indie Pop

Listen: “How to be a woman” by Greta Isaac

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“How to be a woman” by Greta Isaac

UK-Based indie goddess Greta Isaac explores the norms set forth by society and her own questions about with the sonic masterpiece that is “How to be a woman”. With this refreshing and rebellious soundscape she grabs a hold of us and invites us into this realm of questions and so-called rules that is so true to many women around the globe. She invites us to see how this list of items that seem to be part of their existence is so limiting and unreal and in a way takes away from their own magical nature. So listen carefully because there’s a valuable lesson hidden with this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics.

Society needs to mature and grow from those rules of the past and really give women a chance to craft who they want to be and follow a path they want to follow. We should strive to make everyone no longer fall within a specific set of rules, but instead give them the confidence to be who they want to be. We are all together in this world and it can be so much more colorful and beautiful if we simply did not look at those who are different with disdain and un-called-for-pity because in all fairness we should all be as unique as we want to be. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘How to Be a Woman’ is like a list of how I found myself navigating the world from a young age. It’s a bit tongue in cheek but really blunt. I’d like for people to see the humour in it even though it’s a pretty heavy topic. It takes the perspective of societal structures that often characterise women as one dimensional and refer to them as inanimate objects… There was a strange comfort for me knowing that this was my list and I just needed to stick to it. Though, the older I get the more I realise that that doesn’t need to be the case. The song is an ongoing conversation in my head: I don’t know what being a woman, being myself, looks like anymore but I do know that I’d never want be someone who banishes myself from finding out.”

Greta Isaac

More of Greta Isaac