“Yorugaakeru” by Given
Japanese indie rock band Given is an up and coming act that we all wished truly existed for they bring honest and meaningful lyricism and electrifying and hypnotizing sounds that make for a truly memorable experience. They come to Wolf in a Suit with their bittersweet and insightful sonic gem that is “Yorugaakeru” (AKA “Dawn will Break”) and with it comes a visual and out of this world adventure that is sure to grab a hold of your senses instantly.
“…Even if I’m scared, I can keep on living
When the sun rises, I’ll start walking again
Look, dawn is nearly breaking
So I’ll be okay…”
The song is one that explores the harsh yet beautiful quest for love and coming to the realization that maybe you are not the best for that person you love more than anything else. The track embraces the truth that not always are we made to love for sometimes we don’t bring the cure but sadly carry the disease. It understand that this does not entail hate and sadness, simply knows that to let go can also be the greatest showcase of how deep your love goes for you want that person to be free and be happy. The soundscape is unique and frankly refreshing for it is rare to accept your fault and actually embrace the necessity to move on and apart from someone you care for so deeply. So listen carefully to the sweet release offered by this must listen gem and dive into the unknown that dwells within. Enjoy!
*The sentiment showcased in this track can be be felt specially in the beautiful Given: Movie that is now available on Crunchyroll.
More of Given