Indie Pop

Listen: “Take it back” by Maro

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“Take it back” by Maro

From Beirut, Lebanon comes the uber-talented indie-pop singer/songwriter Maro and his latest musical creation, “Take it back”. With this playful and soothing blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a special and charming soundscape bound to grab a hold of you and play with your senses and imagination. The track explores the past and reminisces about what once was with hopes that maybe there’s a chance of going back to simpler times when the hearts were happier and in love with each other. The track feels bittersweet but hopeful at the same time making us feel as if there’s a chance to resolve all that was left mid-way and maybe things can go back to how they were in simpler times. So listen, smile, sway from side to side and go at life with the hope that things can possibly be good once more. Enjoy!

More of Maro