Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “New Woman” by luisa

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“New Woman” by luisa

German indie goddess luisa comes to Wolf in a Suit with the inspiring and beautiful musical creation that is “New Woman“. With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a tale that lands quite perfectly with the modern spirit of the world as she reminds us all how powerful and magical women are. Not only that, but the track is empowering from the very start and manages to hit you just right as it comes together and speaks words that are so needed for the world to mature. Also, the sounds and visuals perfectly complement each other and enhance the experience making it a must for any music lover across the globe as it not only feeds your senses but your soul as well. There’s something about this track that is quite special and makes for the right serving of musical ambrosia needed to smile, grow and push forward towards something better for all women and for humanity in general. So listen with me and embrace the sweet inspiration offered by this must listen gem. Enjoy!

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