Indie Pop

Listen: “CLOVER” by Akurei

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“CLOVER” by Akurei

From Australia comes a soothing and charming pop sound courtesy of Akurei and his fantastic musical creation, “Clover”. With this playful and welcoming blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to something not only special but quite beautiful as it speaks to your heart and soul in a way that invites you to bring down your walls and just be you. The soundscape comes together and becomes one with the airwaves that surround us all making sure we feel at ease as he exposes the most human side of our existence with a soft and warm touch. A shy smile comes alive as the track gives your imagination something to be excited about and enjoy this one of a kind ride.

“I wrote CLOVER by myself earlier this year. COVID-19 restrictions had eased at this point,people were finallyable to get together in groups and venues had opened in QLD, where I live. I was thinking about socialanxiety, which most of us seem to experience from time to time, and specifically about those nights whereyou feel like you need to drink to feel comfortable.”


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