Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: ‘Where would you be” by Tiffany Alvord

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“…If I told you today that tomorrow would be the end
Would you keep things the same or would you do it different?
Would you stay home tonight just passing the time
Or would you run away with the love of your life?
If you lived every day like the hourglass was running out…”

“Where would you be” by Tiffany Alvord

Indie singer/songwriter/YouTube personality Tiffany Alvord comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the inspiring musical creation that is “Where would you be”. With this incredibly touching and warm soundscape she reminds us how our choice have lead us to where we are now and what we do will guide us to new unknown paths. We are reminded as well of the beauty and magic that can be found throughout life and to learn to fall in love with the little things and to value the people that are part of each and every moment. Honestly, the track is an incredible addition to the current music scene and allows us to connect on a more human level with the artist. So listen, smile and enjoy life to its fullest.

More of Tiffany Alvord

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