Indie Folk Videos Video

Music Video: “No Way To Talk” by Hannah & Falco

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“No Way To Talk” by Hannah & Falco

German indie folk/pop duo Hannah & Falco come to Wolf in a Suit once more with the refreshingly honest must listen gem that is “No way to talk”. With this exquisite and inviting soundscape, the talented pair speak of life and of the ups and downs that come with it. They embrace the fire that is lighted that makes us push for more as we understand that we are not happy yet not so unhappy to stand still. The lyrics manage to connect with us as they take shape and form telling a story that is so real and human but in a manner that is poetic and surreal. We can feel the wide scope of emotions that are housed within these verses and melodies and immediately know that they are so personal yet so universal at the same time. They have truly created something special that manages to go hand in hand perfectly with the visuals set forth in the music video. So come with me and let us dive into the world they have crafted. Enjoy!

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