Indie Rock Videos Video

Music Video: “Hold your Nerve” by Boy & Bear

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“…Is this the sound of a moving ground
Or the echoes of self-doubt
I found the wine for some peace of mind
But I still can’t eat
To meditate on a shifting sand
Takes steadfast and sure feet
You became but a fabled dream
That would stir in time…”

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“Hold your Nerve” by Boy & Bear

Australian indie rock band Boy & Bear pull us into the mesmerizing world of the melodies and lyrics of “Hold your nerve”. With this unique and haunting soundscape, the band delivers a real, honest and raw showcase of human feelings and emotions that are intoxicating and unlike anything else out there. The track flows with supernatural ease and becomes one with the airwaves as it traverses all that lies in between us and that sweet sound. We are hooked in an instant and immediately need more and more of what this soundscape can provide our senses. The sweet ambrosia of this amazing musical creation becomes even sweeter with the special layer added by the visuals that flow in black and white while having beautiful moments in which color pops.

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