Indie Pop Videos Video

Premiere: “Crave Easy” by Candy Says

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“Crave Easy” by Candy Says

UK based indie pop band Candy Says are back and they are back with a gem that packs a punch in their single, “Crave Easy”. With this exquisite and passionate soundscape we are pulled into a world that dwells within the borders of logic and feelings. There’s something so surreal yet palpable about this track that makes it easy to grasp and connect with as it all unfolds beautifully in front of us. You are bound to be pulled down this rabbit hole and personally, I doubt you’ll want to get out for there’s that sweet dose of magic and unknown within it making it instant music gold. So come into the waters and enjoy the refreshingly mesmerizing beauty of this must listen gem.

[su_quote cite=”Julia Walker of Candy Says”]There are two types of people in the world; those that function on their thoughts, on logic and manage to make sense of everything and then there are those that feel everything first – feelings people. For me, logic doesn’t work when it comes to writing songs or making art because I follow my gut, my feelings. Crave Easy is just this – It is me trying to make sense of everything and communicate it, but through feeling. I’m staying in the feelings world because that’s who I am and that’s what I have so here’s me trusting that process and communicating it. It can be pretty confusing but I guess what I’m saying is that I’m okay with that, trusting my feelings, feeling the chaos and staying with it. That’s what art is and that’s what Crave Easy is.[/su_quote]

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