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Music Video: “Overwhelm” by Bridesmen

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“Overwhelm” by Bridesmen

Los Angeles based indie singer/songwriter Kenton Chen aka Bridesmen comes to us with the cinematic and melodic magic of “Overwhelm”. With this truly exciting and inspiring musical creation, the talented artist embraces a fearless and inspiring way of seeing life and through it, he captures the hearts and souls of all of us. He blends mesmerizing choreographies with charming melodies and refreshingly human lyrics creating something that is sure to only feed our souls but give our senses something to be excited about. We can jump into this world without any fear of what we may find for he invites us all to be true to ourselves no matter what our truths may be. So listen carefully, smile and know that this song is not only his but yours as well for it captures something so real, so human and so magical. Enjoy!

“By letting them actually express themselves, I am setting my emotions free. I can learn to love the naive child and also the jaded guardian, recognize how important they are, as they guide me through The Overwhelm”. 

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