Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Colour Me” by Morten Lava

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“Colour Me” by Morten Lava

From Denmark comes singer/songwriter Morten Lava and with him comes his latest music video for his gem, “Colour Me”. With this perfect blend of sounds and visuals, the young artist pulls us into his world and we are excited to explore this unknown realm. There’s something so real, so human, so mesmerizing about the soundscape that makes for a one of a kind experience that is sure to make our senses rejoice. It grasps the ins and outs of life and through that understanding, he is able to deliver lyrics that paint a picture that is both personal and familiar to us as well. Honestly, the track is a must for any music lover and not just in the pop genre but in any genre. So close your eyes, hold my hand if you want and let us enjoy this amazing musical creation from an artist whose name is sure to be heard across the globe.

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