Indie Pop

Listen: “College” by FINNEAS

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“College” by FINNEAS

With just 21 years of age, the talented singer/songwriter FINNEAS has become the highest form of what an artist to watch is meant to be and with “College” he shows us all why. He creates a mesmerizing and mature soundscape that envisions what moving on and growing up can be at times, especially when it comes to romantic relationships in college. With soft, captivating and honest melodies he takes the story that dwells in the lyrics and gives us perfection in a way that feels modern yet classic allowing all to fall for his creation. The verses put us in a place where you are either the one that matures or the one that stays stuck in a mentality that is childish and sad to see as you grow up. He understands that is not always that simple yet it must be done. Listen, dive into his soundscape and ask yourself, which one are you? Enjoy!





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