New Music Indie Rock

Feel the Power with GoodWolf

feel the power -with-goodwolf-new music-wolfinasuit- wolf in a suit

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[headline type=”type1″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]GoodWolf and “Train (Turn that train around)”[/headline]

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[block background=”#ffffff” text_color=”#000000″ rounded=”true” shadow=”true”]There’s something so old school, so raw and so full of power in GoodWolf that you’ve got to just keep quiet and listen to their music. “Train (Turn the train around)” is an amazing example of what I just mentioned. Great song with amazing guitar riffs that sound like a blast from the past but also they sound so right. You’ve gotta just enjoy the ride the song is, your own personal trail driven by the band known as GoodWolf. [/block]

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[headline type=”type3″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]For more of the band[/headline]

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