New Music Indie Pop Indie Rock

Song to listen: “Rose Petals” by Kindatheart

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[headline type=”type1″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]Song to Listen[/headline]

Artist: Kindatheart

Song: Rose Petals

Region: Austin, TX – North America

[section background_image=”” text_color=”#000000″ background_color=”#ffffff”]I had to have a band from the state I am based at, and what perfect option than to have a band from Austin, TX -the state capital. I think I picked a perfect band to represent the state, this band is Kindatheart with the beautiful and amazing song “Rose Petals”. This is a song that feels both indie pop and indie rock (it could be the distinct sound of the singers voices) and it’s amazing. Just melodically right in the spot and a great song to listen to. Please enjoy and feel free to follow the band.[/section]

[headline type=”type1″ color=”#000000″ size=”h2″]For more Kindatheart[/headline]

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